Just a Few Runners
In the midst of studying for boards which means I've lost all social contact. Also stopped writing. Good thing. Couple quick thoughts before I get back to the grind...
1. I hate Nip/Tuck. 4th season, and it's all going to hell. Someone killed a dog because his wife was using it for "illicit purposes". Gross. Since when did being a plastic surgeon mean you're thrown into the universe of bizarro lesbian organ-snatching prostitutes and deformed babies with midget nurse-maids? I mean, eventually the writers have to realize that EVERYTHING they ever conceive cannot likely happen to the same two characters.
2. The Kaplan Qbank may be the worst question set ever. Today I found out about USMLEWorld. I have two weeks til my test so I'm not utilizing it, but if you're out there, wondering which question bank to use for your board prep, go for the World.
3. There's no television left to watch. This is good, as television watching negatively correlated with my board scores.
Labels: medical school, television